Brief Alcohol Screening and Intervention for College Students (BASICS) is an evidence-based program designed to address higher risk alcohol use among college students.

BASICS is utilized as an educational sanction when a UW-Madison student is found responsible for alcohol (or related) violations through the Chapter UWS 17 nonacademic misconduct disciplinary process.

What is BASICS?

BASICS involves a personal self-assessment and two one-on-one sessions with a professional substance abuse counselor.

The BASICS program is utilized to address high risk drinking behavior, repeated violations, or any violation involving more serious circumstances such as incapacitation (Detox or ER transport) or disorderly conduct. In the sessions, students will have a structured opportunity in a non-judgmental environment to assess their individual risk and identify potential changes for the future, and is intended to reduce the potential harms that are associated with higher risk drinking.

Why are students required to complete BASICS?

Students found responsible for misconduct are supported by the University, which is committed to assisting them in reducing the negative consequences of their alcohol use on one’s self or others in the community. BASICS is one of the most effective education programs to help students reduce their risk associated with alcohol use. Information on the program’s impact.


How do students enroll in BASICS?

BASICS is provided by University Health Services. Students can enroll in BASICS by contacting UHS.

How do students verify completion of BASICS?

Students are generally required to complete BASICS within four weeks from their case decision date, and the exact due date is listed in a student’s finding letter issued by the investigating officer. Upon completion, UHS notifies the Office of Student Conduct and Community Standards, which will notify the investigating officer. Documentation regarding completion necessary for any court appearances should be requested from the provider.

What happens if I miss a session or do not complete BASICS?

Please refer to the UHS cancellation policy for information on charges associated with missed sessions.  Failure to complete BASICS would constitute a violation of UWS Chapter 17.09(16), “Noncompliance with disciplinary sanctions,” and could result in additional disciplinary action, sanctions, and a hold placed on registration and transcripts.


Student Conduct and Community Standards Contacts

How can we help?

Email us at:



Line art image of Bascom Hall at the University of Wisconsin–Madison

Office of Student Conduct and Community Standards
724 W. Johnson Street
Madison, WI 53715

Office Hours
Monday-Friday: 8:00am - 4:30pm

After Hours Contacts

Crisis response:
Call Mental Health Services
608-265-5600 (option 9)
Dial 911 for immediate help from the
UW Police Department
UWPD Non-emergency line: 608-264-2677