Appeals to the Board of Regents

Final institutional decisions in both nonacademic and academic misconduct cases may be appealed to the Board of Regents under the procedures outlined in the administrative code.


Decisions made via 17.11 conference where a hearing right is waived, via hearing under 17.12, or after an appeal to the Vice Chancellor for Student Affairs under 17.13 shall be final, except that the Board of Regents may, at its discretion, grant a review upon the record. For nonacademic misconduct, a written request for this review may be submitted by any party within 14 days of the final institutional decision. In cases involving sexual assault, dating/domestic violence, stalking, and/or sexual harassment, the other party to the case will be notified when an appeal is submitted and be notified of the outcome of the appeal and any subsequent actions that result.

For academic misconduct, all decisions under the procedures of 14.05 through 14.09 shall be final, except that the Board of Regents, may, at its discretion, grant a review upon the record.

To appeal to the Board of Regents, submit your request to


Student Conduct and Community Standards Contacts

How can we help?

Email us at:



Line art image of Bascom Hall at the University of Wisconsin–Madison

Office of Student Conduct and Community Standards
724 W. Johnson Street
Madison, WI 53715

Office Hours
Monday-Friday: 8:00am - 4:30pm

After Hours Contacts

Crisis response:
Call Mental Health Services
608-265-5600 (option 9)
Dial 911 for immediate help from the
UW Police Department
UWPD Non-emergency line: 608-264-2677